Truth Is Poetry
Love for a Stranger
By Craig A. M. Goines
A stranger asked if I remembered she
I replied no but friends we can be
Her beauty showed on the outside well
But under her skin is where real beauty dwells
A heart of gold and ears that listen
A cheerful smile and eyes that glisten
We talked for a while only to find
This stranger had a beautiful mind
The sky was her roof and the fields were her ground
As she stood by her horse just looking around
I dare to ask what I my already knew
But my souls enter poet started to show
Something about her eyes made me recite just one
But her smile made me recite more for fun
Till I was down to a poem that had her exact
A poem I knew she would like for a fact
I read her this poem with her in mind
Hoping the truth she wouldn't find
When I was finished I looked at the sky above
For the poem I read her was "Secret Love".